Transferable Skills

There are many types of transferable skills that are applicable to your current or future career. Feel free to dive into some of the more trendier skills below.


Critical Thinking.

Critical thinking is all about asking the right questions with the goal of finding a solution for a problem. Companies that face the most problems will benefit from an employee that takes the time to challenge the status quo.

Take time to sharpen your cognitive skills by choosing activities that challenge your thinking. Strategy board games such as chess, for start, are great for assessing situations and counteracting problems.


Relationship Building.

Teamwork is the buzzword used by those looking to either be promoted or transferred to another position. However, positive relationship building is a great skill to learn because it is so advantageous for your company network and your personal development.

Social and emotional awareness, while relationship building, gives you the leverage needed to beat your competitors. You can help gather people inside and even outside of your position. Your career will be fulfilling when you get a team of people to work together.


Creative Thinking.

Not to be confused with critical thinking, this method is the alternative “out-the-box” approach. The marketing buzzword today is innovation and it is serious business. Companies and businesses value someone that can find witty ways to be more efficient, especially one that focuses on continuous improvement.

There is a lot of information on the internet that focuses on creative thinking. Just remember, if you want a personalized strategy for your continued growth, feel free to reach out to us for help.